Thursday, May 4, 2017

Day 15 May 3 The Hatchings

May 3 - Two of the birds hatched today. I actually lucked out and saw the second one breaking out of its shell during the afternoon hours.

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Daily Bird, Day 10

Day 10 - April 28
Here's a quick recap. I discovered the nest on April 19. The next day on April 20, I spotted the first egg. The past few days have featured no real change, as I photographed 4 eggs on April 24. So, now it's just a waiting game for the hatching of the eggs. Typically, the eggs hatch at about 2 weeks so that will be about May 4. So for now it's just wait and watch. I do spot the robin on the nest... in fact she's there right this minute. She's not a big fan of the loud lawnmower, otherwise she's pretty content to remain on the nest and doesn't scare too easily.

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Daily Bird, Day 6

April 24- Mother robin wasn't all that happy about me grabbing a photo this afternoon showing 4 eggs in the nest. It's a rainy afternoon today, and there should be some wormy goodness for her in the coming days with more rain in the forecast.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Daily Bird, Day 5

April 23 - The robin flew off for a brief bit allowing me to snap this updated egg photo... 3 eggs.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Daily Bird, Day 4

April 22 - This lady is more than content to just sit on her nest. I was able to get really close to grab this photo and she didn't budge. She was in some kind of statue mode. Maybe I can grab an egg photo some other time. It didn't seem right to bug her any more.

The Daily Bird, Day 3

April 21 - The robin was sitting on the nest during the afternoon. I was waiting to see if she would leave so I could take a picture of the nest again to check on eggs. She didn't budge so I didn't bother her.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Daily Bird, Day 2

April 20 - I spotted a bird in the nest this afternoon. It was a robin. The robin flew off so I decided to take another picture to see if there were any eggs. We have an egg! Typically, a robin will lay 3 to 5 eggs and the eggs hatch in about 2 weeks. So I should see some babies by May 4-8.

The Daily Bird, Day 1

April 19 - I found a fully built nest under my deck. No bird was present, but based on the shape and size of the nest, and the types of birds that are most prevalent around my yard, I guessed that it was either a robin or cardinal nest.